Reminiscing our DBS Kadayawan Memories with GrabFood

It has been a tradition in Davao City for 36 years to celebrate the Kadayawan festival. Many festivities and events are being held during the festival, most notably the Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan, where many sectors and groups in Davao participate to showcase the bountiful fruits and their dazzling costumes. But apart from that, countless food […]

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Recommended Places To Dine In Davao City

It’s finally the Kadayawan Festival! And a lot of you might be visiting some of the landmarks, staying in different hotels, and join the fun by watching the Indak-Indak sa Kadayawan and other activities. Sure thing, you will also be eyeing for some new or already known places/restaurants to dine or food to try during your visit […]

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